Is there more For your church than you are currently experiencing?
Do you feel there’s a gap between where you are and where you hope to be?
Have you set goals that you haven't been able to accomplish?
Are you scaled for expansion and growth?
Do you and your team lack clarity around who you are and what God has called you to do?
Has your church stopped growing and do you feel stuck?
Do you feel like you've hit your leadership lid?
Do you lack a “bench” of great leaders to rally around the vision and help your church reach its full potential?
After creating a customized coaching plan, you and your team will begin on a strategic path towards being equipped with the necessary principles and tools to implement best practices moving your organization toward health and growth.
Our designated experienced coaches come alongside you and your team through on-site engagements and virtual coaching calls helping you tackle your most challenging problems so that you can experience momentum within your church.
Aligned culture with clarity of vision, values, and standards
Structured staff and volunteer teams for scalable growth
Prioritized future hires to maximize your budget
Key metrics and ministry dashboards to monitor health
A StratOps Perspective Plan with a strategy to move the organization forward
Executive Leadership Coaching
Scaling and Centralizing of Ministries
Weekend Service Evaluations
Fill out the online application.
Schedule a call.
Create a Customized Coaching Plan.
Start the journey with Sidecar Leader.
Bring clarity around mission, vision, values, and culture.
Design organization and leadership structure.
Train in Oversight Management System.
Scale for growth and expansion.
Design layers of leadership with compensation bands.
Design standardized systems and ministry practices.
Develop goals.
Develop metrics + ministry dashboards.
Monitor team health and dynamics.
Provide systematic solutions.
Ongoing coaching and accountability.
Develop brand alignment strategy.
Access Exclusive Content
Relational Oversight
A key component to leading your staff well is regular care and communication. This agenda structure will equip you to be able to have effective 1-1 meetings that incorporate care, communication and candor.
Board Meeting Agenda
This agenda is a simple tool to help Lead Pastors maximize board meetings to gain visibility in critical areas of the organization in order to make wise decisions advancing the vision.
End of Year Inventory - Personal Review
Whether you are ending the calendar year or a season is coming to a close, this resource will guide you through thoughtful reflection so you can step into the next season well.